Gluten Free - Facts Vs Fads
In recent years we have been hearing and reading a lot about ‘Gluten’. Gluten free diet, gluten free pastas, gluten free baking etc. etc. There are many myths and unnecessary fear around this word ‘Gluten’, and since wheat has been a main staple and a source of gluten, it is taking all the bash. So here are some facts about gluten that would probably help everyone to put things in perspective and look at this whole thing from the ground of awareness rather than the fear. What is Gluten? Gluten is a kind of protein that is found in wheat and many other grains like rye, barley etc. Some people are sensitive to this component, meaning they are unable to process gluten fully. This causes symptoms like flatulence, stomach cramps, headaches etc. This could be a temporary condition also caused by antibiotics, certain medications, heavy drinking, and stress. The gut wall becomes more porous, undigested or partially digested gluten particles enter the blood stream and alarm the imm...