Are you eating up your emotions?

Yes, many of us do! We do swallow our emotions. Sometimes consciously and often times unconsciously. Because, we do not eat to only satisfy the physical hunger. Many a times we eat 'Just Like That' and we are conditioned to think that it is absolutely okay. We call it 'craving' also. Where to satisfy the physical hunger is necessary for survival, the later one calls for a little deeper thought; after all our bodies are not designed to digest emotions. There are 2 different mechanisms in the body that regulate eating. One that controls physical hunger and the other one that controls emotional hunger . Body and brain together know what is needed for 'balance' and our cravings are according to it. So lets see how the first mechanism works. When the stomach is empty, blood glucose goes down, Insulin goes down & a hormonal response signals brain. Brain now generates hunger signals. That's how one can sense the stomach growling, legs trembling, ...